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Your Haven for Mental Health and Emotional Wellness!

At MindCare, we understand that mental health is an integral part of your overall well-being. We are dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive care to adults facing mental and emotional challenges.

Moving towards a Resilient Mind and a Resilient Life

At MindCare, we strive to empower individuals to cultivate a resilient mind and lead a resilient life. Our vision is to create a supportive environment where individuals can develop the necessary skills, tools, and strategies to bounce back from challenges, adapt to change, and thrive in the face of adversity.
We believe that resilience is not just about overcoming difficulties, but also about fostering personal growth, emotional well-being, and a sense of purpose. By embracing a holistic approach to mental health, we aim to guide individuals on a transformative journey towards building resilience, restoring balance, and creating a life filled with strength, hope, and fulfillment.

Our Values


We approach every individual with genuine care and understanding, creating a safe space where you can express yourself freely without fear of judgment. We believe in fostering a nurturing environment that promotes healing and growth.


We treat every person with dignity, respect, and inclusivity. We understand that each individual’s experiences are unique, and we honor the diversity of backgrounds, cultures, and identities within our practice.


Our team consists of highly qualified and compassionate professionals specialising in psychology, psychiatry, and neurology. We stay up-to-date with the latest research and treatment approaches to provide you with the most effective care.


Our goal is to empower you with the tools and strategies necessary to overcome challenges and achieve lasting change. We believe in your capacity for growth and are committed to helping you unleash your full potential.


We believe in a collaborative approach to mental health care. By working together, we can gain a deeper understanding of your unique needs and develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to you.


Your privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance to us. We adhere to strict ethical guidelines and legal requirements to ensure that your personal information remains secure and protected.

Let us be your trusted partners on your journey to mental well-being. Together, we can build resilience, restore balance, and create a life filled with joy and fulfillment.

Our Services

At MindCare, we have a team of Clinical and Consulting Psychologists who specialise in helping adults overcome mental and emotional challenges. They are here to support you on your journey towards emotional well-being and a fulfilling life.
Psychiatry is a vital branch of medicine that focuses on diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental, emotional and behavioural disorders. At MindCare, our team of specialised Psychiatrists are dedicated to understanding the biological aspects of human pathology and the subsequent treatment through medication.
Adult Neurology is a specialised area of medicine dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of adolescents aged 18 years and above, as well as adult patients. At MindCare, our Neurologists are skilled in addressing a wide range of conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles.

MindCare acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First People and Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia. We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work, the Awabakal people and we pay our respects to all Elders past, present and emerging.


MindCare is committed to supporting our diverse community of LGBQTIA+ young adults, staff and families. We aim to provide a safe and welcoming place for everyone, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender diverse, intersex, asexual and queer people. We value and respect the right to work and live as our authentic selves, without judgement, without discrimination and free from harassment.

Diversity Commitment

MindCare is committed to embracing diversity, social inclusion and eliminating all forms of discrimination in the provision of health services. We welcome all people, irrespective of age, ethnicity or faith, including First Nations People, people who identify as LGBTQIA+, people with a disability and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.